Saviour Balzan’s propaganda machine keeps up its attacks against government critics

Cyrus Engerer

Today, in Illum, one of Saviour Balzan’s fully-government funded newspapers of his precarious media business, has published another caricature against a government critic. The target is Cyrus Engerer who chose not to contest the European parliament elections. Saviour Balzan’s MaltaToday and Illum are pro-Labour Party rags, and currently, MaltaToday’s favourite MEP candidate is Steve Ellul because MaltaToday has been recieveing funding from Miriam Dalli’s Energy Ministry.

Note that Cyrus Engerer is not the only current Labour MEP who is not contesting the European Parliament elections. There is also Josianne Cutajar and Alfred Sant who is retiring from politics altogether (supposedly asnd hopefully). However, both Josianne Cutajar and Alfred Sant remain loyal to the Supreme Leader, so there is no need to scrutinise and attack them.

This is also not the first time they have attacked Cyrus Engerer with the carticature below having been published in October when Cyrus Engerer attended a march by NGO Repubblika. Lately, Illum have also been trying to rehabilitate Rosianne Cutajar.



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