“Over the top” but not enough for Criminal Court

Today, Biden and his officials falsely accused the International Criminal Court Prosecutor of equally equating Hamas with the Israeli government. Hamas and Netanyahu also condemned the Prosecutor. Charges requested by the ICC’s prosecutor against Netanyahu are different than the charges requested for Hamas.

President Joe Biden has been telling very different things to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about Israel’s war on Gaza from what he and his officials said today on the International Criminal Court Prosecutor’s requests for arrest warrants. Biden has also admitted publicly that Israel’s actions in Gaza were “over the top”, a description that clearly and explicitly implies excessive violence in the context of war.

In fact, the ICC’s Prosecutor intends to charge Benjamin Natanyahu and Yoav Gallant with mass killing which are different than the charges requested against Hamas. So far, the Prosecutor is not accusing Netanyahu with “genocide” but his investigations are ongoing.

1 Comment

  1. Arguably the charges against Netanyahu and Gallant are graver than against the Hamas leaders as the Israeli leaders are being accused of using starvation as a weapon in the ongoing conflict. I think Biden’s remarks are outrageous and as a result, the U.S.A. has lost the moral high ground it had gained after Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine. It is also high time that the E.U. reconsiders its commercial ties with Israel once it is in blatant disregard of fundamental human rights and is being run by people being sought by the International Criminal Court. This has been the air for some time and the way the Israeli government has reacted shows how deluded and isolated Israel has sadly become.

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