Breaking: Sandro Camilleri to be employed at the Compliance Unit of the Housing Authority

Sandro Camilleri

This tip just came which has been confirmed.

Sandro Camilleri, the previous Head of the Financial Crimes Investigations Department of the Police Force, will be employed at the compliance unit of the Department of Social Housing.

Robert Abela and Angelo Gafa are hoping to silence and humiliate Sandro Camilleri into submission.


  1. Tactics of crass and thoroughly ignorant B.U.L.L.I.E.S.
    These stupidos really know (or maybe they don’t know?) how to forge enemies.

  2. Didnt read the article because I got stuck in the meaning if the first word. Breaking: Sandro Camilleri to be employed at the Compliance Unit of the Housing Authority Then I figured that ‘Breaking News’ has been circumcised into just Breaking:

  3. Humiliate? They can only humiliate you if you accept their iced buns and shut up. Guess they found Sandro Camilleri’s price. Le le kulhadd ragel!

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