Breaking: Ralph De La Torre’s, Konrad Mizzi’s and Joseph Muscat’s assets are to be seized as they will be arraigned over money laundering

Konrad Mizzi and Joseph Muscat

The Criminal Court has today approved a request by the Attorney-General to seize all assets owned by Joseph Muscat and Konrad Mizzi, others involved in the Vitals and Steward public hospitals fraud, and the assets owned by top officials of Steward Health Care including CEO Ralph De La Torre. They will all be charged with aggravated money-laundering in the coming weeks.  More updates to come soon.


  1. Nahseb mhux diga trasferixxa kollox fuq martu, shabu, familjari u hbieb mafjuzi bhalu! Kriminal bhall dak jaf ezatt x kien gej ghalih u serrhu mohhkom li jekk jiffrizawlu l assi, percentagg zghir mill miljuni kbar li seraq. Haga ohra, se jibqa juza ufficju mhallas mit taxxi taghna wkoll? Avolja kriminal bil provi?

  2. Nispera ma ssirx xi farsa ma Myriam Spiteri Debono issa … whats three pardons when compared to all the hundreds which she has already been made to sign?

  3. As much as I hate to write this however we are now going to witness a carefully planned well orchestrated pantomime where JM and KM are going to be arraigned for money laundering while their assets are seized or frozen (bear in mind that the law has already been amended in their favour). The AG and police go through the motions as this case drags on. Bear in mind there is no actual will or drive for these institutions to carry out their duties on behalf and in favour of the republic. Imagine a series of blunders and technicalities produced by the AG and the police during this case that will enable even the dumbest of lawyers to have a field day. Why do you think JM has Charlon Gouder as one of his defence lawyers? These two along with others should also be charged with corruption and conspiracy against the state. Moreover the current state of affairs favours JM as the moribund opposition is to weak to ensure that justice is done. Meanwhile champagne Labour are set on course to lose their 4th MEP and their majority in various local councils and RA will come out screaming that this is all due to the magisterial investigation being concluded a few weeks before the MEP elections.

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  1. Some of the names who will be indicted for money laundering over the fraudulent public deals with Vitals and Steward – Mark Camilleri

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