It is now or never for the Labour Party

The way that Prime Minister Robert Abela and the Labour Party will act in the following days, weeks and months will forever be etched in the Labour Party’s character and projection of itself in the future. Robert Abela has two options. He can either try and exploit political opportunity from Joseph Muscat’s arrest by crying that the Labour Party is being victimised, and hence rally the Joseph Muscat’s supporters to come and vote. Or else, he can chose to, for the very first time in his career, act as a statesman and support the legal process in the spirit of rule of law.

If Robert Abela chooses the former, the Labour Party will be condemned for another 25 years in Opposition if it loses the general election. In that case, the Labour Party may also face an existential crisis which threatens its own very existence. I don’t think the Labour Party will ever be dissolved because its demographic will still remain very significant, but we may very well be heading toward a political scenario where the Labour Party starts to fracture. Although it remains the biggest local political force, it may never achieve the relative majority again.

Soon we may see the moment which will determine the fate of the Labour Party. I don’t know how Robert Abela will act. He is unpredictable, untrustworthy and self-interested, and hence he is a very dangerous person who can cause a lot of damage both willingly and unwittingly. So far, in public he has defended Joseph Muscat and attacked the inquiring Magistrate. Later, he fell-out with Joseph Muscat and refused to accept back Rosianne Cutajar back. If he is to be consistent with his latest acts, Dear Supreme Leader should, most probably, embrace Joseph Muscat’s arrest as the beginning of the restoration of rule of law. This he should do in his own interest and in the interest of the long-term survival of the Labour Party. Otherwise, Robert Abela would keep the Labour Party’s status as an organised criminal group and should be treated accordingly.

1 Comment

  1. Imbaghad jghidulek li Malta hawn l’insara devoti. Li jaghmlu huwa kollhu ghal vizzju. Ma jistax ikun li taqdi lill Alka u lix-xitan f’daqqa. Nies ta’integrita jafu x’inhu il-mizien imma dawk li baqghu jigvdu il-bieb warajhom hija storja ohra. Ahfrilna Mulej.

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