5% rejection rate

Joseph Muscat at Charlon Gouder's wedding

Why is it that Charlon Gouder gets a rejection rate of 5% for his MPRP applications when the average rejection rate is 50%?

Is it because he is a genius or is it because he gets preferential treatment?

Ramona Attard, Charlon Gouder and Jonathan Attard



Rosianne Cutajar


Joseph Cuschieri and Charlon Gouder


Robert Musumeci and Charlon Gouder
Charlon Gouder


Charlon Gouder and Jose Herrera



Charlon Gouder and Konrd Mizzi


Jonathan Attard and Charlon Gouder
Emmanuel Mallia and Charlon Gouder

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  1. €20,000 for Marigold Foundation and €5,000 for an arts event – Mark Camilleri

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