Meet the new court clerk entrusted with the court’s evidence room

Joseph Muscat and Jessica Tanti

Following the very serious incident of the missing phone of Keith Schembri from the court’s evidence room, the administration of the courts has replaced the current officers responsible for the room with a new guardian. The new court officer responsible for the court’s evidence room is Jessica Tanti and she makes no secret of her political inclinations.

The operators and executors of sensitive positions in the justice system should undoubtedly act integrally without prejudice, bias, or compromise with their role and function. The Labour Party knows this very well and that’s why it strategically places its supporters into sensitive positions to have even greater access to the levers of the justice system. The justice system is being compromised from top to bottom, from the Attorney-General and the Police Commissioner to Magistrates and even court officers. These kinds of appointments should be seen with suspicion and concern, especially since there is a clear pattern in how the Labour government is trying to capture the justice system.

Jessica Tanti with Ray Azzopardi


Jessica Tanti with Alfred Żammit

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3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Court evidence seems to be getting lost at a faster rate since Joseph Muscat’s fan is in charge of the court’s evidence room – Mark Camilleri
  2. No control and a State in tatters – Mark Camilleri
  3. Rigging the Administration of the Courts of Law – Mark Camilleri

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