No control and a State in tatters

Robert Abela

A mob will ascend to the Law Courts as Joseph Muscat makes his first court appearance over the Vitals and Steward case, charged with money laundering and making part of a criminal organisation. On the same day, Law Courts staff who are members of the General Workers’ Union will strike in what is a blatant and explicit political move from the Union’s side. This is also a result of consistent allocation of Labour Party supporters to the Courts’ staff list.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Robert Abela infers about “holy wars” against the Labour Party. His European Parliament candidates, except for one of them, so far, have all been endorsed by the money-laundering ex-Premier Joseph Muscat. By now, Joseph Muscat has successfully become the main feature of the current election campaign. Primed and ready, the Labour Party is now fighting the Courts and the Judiciary, a situation which can’t end with the Courts losing unless we want to become a dictatorship. The new Africa in the Mediterranean.

The government has well passed the threshold of legality in excess as it captured the State to preserve and defend its criminal networks. By now, it is only making things even worse and people understand this very well.  Simultaneously, it is also clear that Robert Abela, apart from having lost control of the Labour Party is also losing the control of the country. There’s hardly any solution to this other than for the Labour government to resign, only that Labour will stay in power and make things excessively even worse.

Obviously, if Robert Abela can’t even control and govern his own party, he can hardly govern the country and in fact he doesn’t do much governing and won’t be doing much governing in the months and years to come. The crisis-window when the Labour government could find an excuse to dispose of hundreds of millions of subsidies to keep the economy afloat is over. As Robert Abela acts like a dictator, he has lost the trust of independent bodies and institutions. The only ones backing him now are his Labour Party supporters who do so only insofar as their Supreme Leader is protecting money-laundering ex-Premier Joseph Muscat.

Robert Abela is already feeling this emptiness and he understands that his political support although seemingly numerous, is incredibly weak. You can’t govern the country in a conventional manner if the only people supporting you are those that come from the sub-literate section of society that watches and listens to ONE as Gospel. Eventually you are bound to realise, that that particular hill has turned our nation into a humiliating exhibition of a Banana Republic. Alliances with the rest of society are nearly impossible to build if you govern the country like a criminal organisation that is at war against the state. You can only buy them.

It’s a rather sticky situation. Just like when you joy-ride your father’s car and the police pull you over. You can’t do jack, other than getting booked by the police and make the walk of shame back home under police escort. And this is the same for Robert Abela. Robert Abela can only turn this around if after the elections he disposes of Joseph Muscat altogether and changes the Police Commissioner along with the Attorney-General. He won’t and things will only get worse, but never to an irreparable state of affairs.

In a fight against the State, the Labour Party is going to lose. Maybe, not the next general election, but when it will lose it will be catastrophic and irreparable only for Labour to the extent that leading the government again would seem impossible for it. The Labour Party is at war against the very soul and fabric of the State. You can capture and steal the Maltese State for a very long time, but at the very end of the day, it’s always the Maltese State that has the biggest gun. No one should dare mess with it. Those who fall defending it, as Daphne did, will be replaced by hundreds more.


  1. And that is why people should end this nonsense and stupid bickering about voting for the PN. Vote for the individuals within the PN even if you disagree with some of the parties policies. There is certainly more quality on the blue side, isn’t that obvious? The courts and civil service will be paralysed. Is that what the people of Malta want? Get a grip.

  2. IF it is true that the GWU is ordering a strike at the Law Courts next Tuesday 28th May, it should choose another day in order not to appear to be helping the Labour Party in its fight with the Law Courts

  3. Mark you always write great pieces. But you always gloss over a particular topic. Money talks & shit walks. And as long as labour keeps filling the right pockets, you and the the PN will be nothing more than opinion pieces for the next 20 years. You want PN to win? They need to be more corrupt that PL. It’s that simple.

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  1. A very vulnerable state of affairs – Mark Camilleri

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