They are resurfacing from the sewers because they will be implicated in the Vitals fraud and they need to save themselves

Chris Cardona and Daniel Attard

Chris Cardona is the latest disgraced Labour MP who has resurfaced on Manuel Cuschieri’s pro-Labour TV show on Smash TV. Joseph Muscat has already made various appearances on Cuschieri’s show and his TV host is now promoting him as an MEP candidate. All of this panicked propaganda activity comes as a Magisterial inquiry into Joseph Muscat’s public hospital deals nears its conclusion.

Instead of going to prison for their fraud, they’d like to survive by being in politics.




  1. And the bazuzli that had key positions at Vitals and Steward that they were not qualified to hold, who ridiculed, verbally and emotionally abused hospital staff whilst supporting their masters in running the hospital project into the ground, have been quietly transferred into commensurate government positions. And the band-wagon rolls smoothly on.

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