US forces began discussions with the Iraqi government to withdraw from Iraq

Muhammed al-Sudani with Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei

After Iraq’s Prime Minister called for the US forces in Iraq to leave the country, the White House is actually in discussions with the Iraqi government to leave Iraq, including the northern Kurdish region. These discussions of the US’s forces withdrawal come during the same time that Iranian militant proxies are targeting US forces and bases in Iraq and Syria, apart from attacking Kurdistan and its Kurds. The withdrawal also goes against the advice of the Pentagon.

Prime Minister Muhammed al-Sudani is a Shia Muslim who has embraced better relations with Iran and Russia and also Syria. He rose to power in 2022 with the backing of Shia political groups. Iran, which has traditionally sought to wield its influence in Iraq, has considerable power and influence with the country through its militant proxies and political allies. Shia political groups have begun calling for the withdrawal of US forces since 2020 and Al-Sudani had opposed this proposal until recently citing security concerns. A withdrawal of US forces would undoubtedly see Iran’s influence increase considerably, apart from heightened security risks in the region.

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