The Nationalist Party could easily add many more votes if Jason Azzopardi rejoins its ranks

Jason Azzopardi

Considering Arnold Cassola’s not-so-surprising result (he got more votes in 2004), it can be easily assumed that Jason Azzopardi would equally gain, at least as much votes as Arnold Cassola, if not much more from the camp of voters who did not vote or voted alternative candidates and political parties had he contested the EP elections. Not to mention the amount of votes he would have got from the Nationalist camp. 19% of votes remained uncollected.

In the general election, I may even given him the first preference vote myself, voting for the first time for a pro-life candidate: that would be insane, but the fact that I’m even considering this shows what an asset Jason Azzopardi can be for PN, right now. They desperately need to grow their reach and political hegemony, so why not start from their own?

I don’t understand how and why, coincidentally both the leaders of the current major political parties are equivalently stupid. It’s a rare probability that we may not experience again in history, or maybe I’m being too optimistic and hopeful, as usual.

I also still need to call Jason Azzopardi and ask him about the stories he has been writing about (cope harder Saviour).


  1. He was in the PN ranks until 2022 when he failed to get elected. I suppose that was a call for him to quit frontline politics.

    • Jason is our Sharansky, I always admired his stamina. It was the dark forces that conjured his downfall in the last election. However the phoenix always rises and with a vengeance.

  2. Yes it would be great to see Dr Azzopardi make a come back. And I encourage others of good will to do the same. And here lies an issue. There are still elements within and circling outside the PN that are of the same ilk as the cabal fronted by you know who.The party cannot remove these easily or stop those wanting to join without having a hugely justifiable reason as war will be waged and it’s back to square one. It is then the people who should do the sweeping. Vote for those PN candidates who are not in any shape or form associated with the king of the faltering castle. How do you do this? Observe. Start with those for e.g. who never mention Daphne and discard them. It’s going pear shaped for Labour and the PN should now go on the offensive, politically speaking.

  3. Because PN at the moment have too many trojan horses to allow the real opposition – Jason – in. After all, Bernard is pretending to care now but a while back he was telling us to stop being negative and people don’t care about corruption anymore – delia’s previous song.

  4. Thousands of PN voters will never forgive Jason Azzopardi for the way he undermined then PN leader Adrian Delia.

  5. Roberta Metsola, Simon Busutill, David Casa and Jason Azzopardi (and others – remember – Daphne Caruana Galizia) have all been betrayed by the Muscat-Cardona stooges (Delia, Grech, Giglio, DeMarco and others) and their thousands of supposedly PN supporters. The young Mark Anthony Sammut is still fighting the good-fight. Metsola, Busutill and Casa have done very good work in the EU showing the very best of Malta. Azzopardi has diligently fought the good-fight, often without support or acclaim. I left the PN in 2017 because of the above, the betrayal of the good. Many thousands appear to have done the same. The core blue will not vote red, the core red will not vote blue, but red and blue of goodwill will vote for good people. There needs to be a realignment of the traditional political groupings into a meaningful opposition of principle and character that can give the electorate something worth supporting beyond winning elections (as important as this is) and ousting the PL criminal government (as important as this) – the notion that this can be done around such dirty little people as Delia, Grech and Giglio is insulting to the integrity of Maltese people who know the difference between right and wrong. Asking our people to vote for Delia, Grech and Giglio because they are not as profoundly criminal as the PL cabal is not acceptable: It is not right. Mark Camilleri and I will agree with very little in life but we do agree upon the love of our country, our people and our culture. This is no time for moral or political compromise. This must be realised and acted upon soon – the PL criminal cabal is fatally imploding through its own actions, not those of the supposed opposition – the dirty little people running the pretend opposition stand to inherit our country by default. This 71 year old Christian, democratic conservative will happily stand next to Mark Camilleri to defend our country, our people and our culture from these sordid carpet-baggers.

  6. I don’t agree. Jason Azzopardi is doing great work outside politics. He would be restricted from doing what he is doing today if he re-enters politics again. At this stage, civil society is what Malta needs. It is achieving results for Malta much more than any other entity and much more than any one else at the moment. It is civil society which will bring down this regime. Civil society without Jason Azzopardi will be crippled badly.

  7. What’s this about exam papers and boasting about Wasteserv accomplishments? This is truly despicable. Labour are masters in the unethical.

  8. Jason Azzopardi is a heartless bastard (excuse my language). He should have repossessed Premier Cafe in his tenure (2008–2013), he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Revenues and Land in the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Investment.

    Premier Cafe was in the red then and it even illegally leased a part of the Premier premises to a certain Carlos (Carmelo) Borg to turn it into a cafe, named Cafe Palazz with an exorbitant rent to such person Carmelo Borg who owned Trattoria Palazz Restaurant , two doors away. However yet Jason Azzopardi did not act to take over and relinquish the contract or rent on Premier Cafe.

    The rest is history as Carmelo aka(Carlos) Borg went bankrupt and had to close shop first with Cafe Palazz illegally rented from Premier Cafe and later still Trattoria Palazz as he was not able to pay his creditors, let alone the utility bills.

  9. The only two persons that can save the PN (and Malta) are Mark Anthony Sammut, Ivan Bartolo (the CEO of his private company) and Roberta Metsola. Nobody else.

    AT the moment, the PN consists of amoral persons (Delia, Giglio, etc), anti-democracy and anti-freedom personalities (Alex Borg, Justin Schembri), the incompetent ones (Bernard Grech, Perici Calascione, almost all of the shadow cabinet and backbenchers), the ones with
    a lot of baggage, nepotism children, or being past their due date (Beppe Fenech Adami, Toni Bezzina, Mario de Marco, Carm Mifsud Bonnici) and the power-hungry/ prima donnas inside and outside the PN (Jason Azzopardi, Franco Debono).

    They had 12 years to clean sweep and did nothing. They just wasted 12 years in opposition, whereas typically a party spends five years in the wilderness after a loss, and then five years of reform and building up an opposition with new policies and a new platform).

    Despite the euphoria of the PN for the relatively smaller MEP loss (8500 votes), they will be spending another 2-3 general election cycles in opposition.

    Unfortunately, Arnold Cassola is not an alternative as well. He is another prima donna, who gave a hard time to Eddie Fenech Adami in 2004 (He wanted to become minister in a new PN led government), and has remained unchanged now. He is even worse, as now is against social liberties while parading as a left-wing green party representative).

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