Glenn Micallef wants to go back to Brussels: Robert Abela is looking for a new Chief of Staff

Glenn Micallef

A new vacancy has arisen with the Government of Malta of that of Chief of Staff as Glenn Micallef is excusing his expulsion by his desire “to go back to Brussels”.

Glenn Micallef has been one of the most important and influential figures in the government as he managed the government while the Prime Minister spent his time campaigning. Robert Abela considered Glenn Micallef as one of his most trusted government functionaries and was deeply involved in many decisions that were taken during the Covid pandemic.

He will be leaving the administration having amassed a record amount of debt, a crisis in rule of law, a crisis in the Ministry of Home Affairs and the System of Justice, a soaring cost of living and housing crisis, and many other problems that have dented trust in the Labour Party.

Given the seniority in his rank and the level of influence in Robert Abela’s inner circle, replacing Glenn Micallef may hint at a potential clean slate for the government. It is yet to be seen what will be the next moves of Robert Abela.

What strikes me is that in his excuse, Glenn Micallef is being very honest about wanting to go back to Brussels. Now that he realises the problems are much bigger than he anticipated, having received a beating in the elections, he would genuinely prefer to sit the toughest battles out.


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  1. The new Maltese EU Commissioner: Glenn Micallef – Mark Camilleri

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