I’m glad that Arthur Azzopardi is speaking up, but he is not telling the truth, exactly.

Arthur Azzopardi

I was not in the least surprised by Arthur Azzopardi, previous lawyer to Vince Muscat (Il-Koħħu), claiming that a police officer had notified him in advance of the raid that took place at the Marsa potato shed which lead to the arrest of Il-Koħħu and the Degiorgio brothers. However, Arthur Azzopardi is clearly and surely not telling the truth and most probably distorting it to his own ends.

In the recorded interview, Arthur Azzopardi conveniently fails to mention that he was the main link between the Nationalist Party of Adrian Delia and Keith Schembri.

In addition, Azzopardi lies when he says that the investigation on Daphne’s murder was being leaked in a sieve-like manner – it wasn’t. It was leaked through a funnel with only specific and trusted people like him knowing in advance of the police’s moves and actions.

Arthur Azzopardi was also a freemason, although he tells us it was an innocent society which met together to purely entertain itself with drink and give to charity. It’s the usual story of a poor and innocent man who unwittingly got involved with bad characters and conspiracies, and not the story of a man who willingly and actively sought conspiracies to enrich himself and extend his contacts.

Arthur Azzopardi may want to explain why the information was being leaked to him instead of giving us the bullshit excuse that the “investigation was leaking like a sieve”. On the day of the raid, seven men who were at the potato shed who had no inkling of what was going on were arrested and mixed up in the case – they didn’t know what was coming. The underworld didn’t know about it. Only a handful of people knew.


  1. It also depends on which mason lodge he belongs to. This guy is also linked to David Gatt, an corrupt ex-police inspector turned criminal lawyer, who led the breakaway Masonic lodge in Valletta from the one in Paola. Gatt and Azzopardi also worked closely with Chris Cardona and Manuel Mallia, And clearly Gatt is still working with Cardona. This is to remain within the realm of proven fact – there are many things that are not proven but cannot be down to coincidence especially not in Malta.

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. The financial crimes authorities are collapsing – Mark Camilleri
  2. In an unusual move, Arthur Azzopardi renounces legal brief of Pierre Sladden in Court – Mark Camilleri

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