I’m sorry I said those words. I am not Anakin Skywalker. I love Supreme Leader (but I secretly love Joseph Muscat more) – Alex Agius Saliba

Alex Agius Saliba

Alex Agius Saliba has gone quick in character with a direct reply to my stories after he has been described as Anakin Skywalker here. He seems to be excusing himself over remarks he made about Supreme Leader while trying to appear he did anything wrong.

Whatever you say, Alex. We know very well that your intentions and agenda are not aligned with your own Party leader because you still think that Joseph Muscat and his associates should remain an integral party of the Labour Party, and that you are using this position opportunistically for your own ends, mainly to leverage more support from the Labour Party supporters who still support Joseph Muscat.

You may have a reputation for stupidity, but you clearly and very well know how to build a political career out of a wreckage of a criminal organisation, and you are quite skilled at this.





  1. The fact that most politicians are blindly loyal to the leader of his political party is true testament to the low level of politicians we have in Malta. If even the “best” of the population have this level of political intelligence is not only shocking but alarming. If those who have the political intelligence to recognize these short comings in our state, do nothing, we are headed into a worse situation than we already are in. ‘Highway to hell’ does not even begin to describe the situation.

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  1. “I will never work against the interests of our leaders” – Champagne Socialist Alex it-Tander Saliba – Mark Camilleri

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