Cabinet reshuffle is on the cards

Robert Abela

The eventual departure of Edward Zammit-Lewis from the Labour Party Parliamentary Group is being planned as part of a reorganisation of the group along with a cabinet reshuffle with possibly, some new names being co-opted.

Prime Minister Robert Abela is now in a position where he is compelled to have a loyal team of individuals who will govern in a way that political tide and credit shifts in his favour as he rugs Joseph Muscat of his power and influence in the Labour Party. Basically, Prime Minister Robert Abela has realised that his insane idea of keeping the peace within the Labour Party by protecting Joseph Muscat and his friends has backfired and will continue to erode the Labour Pary at the polls to an existential extent. Welcome to the real world outside the Labour Party where people are not to so tolerant towards Pirates of the Maltese State.

Joseph Muscat has also played with fire by starting a challenge with the Prime Minister, and if Robert Abela does the right thing by supporting the Justice system instead of hampering it and sabotaging it with his loyal servants, Joseph Muscat will easily find out. Joseph Muscat may be influential, but after all, Robert Abela still holds all the cards: an array of optionality that supersedes Joseph Muscat’s options in any way possible. After all, given the way our system works, Robert Abela is the Establishment and the State himself: he is the true Supreme Leader and at best, all that Joseph Muscat can do against Robert Abela is to rile up his pitiful band of supporters to cry for him as he is hauled to jail where he belongs.

In an all-out political war between the Labour Party and Joseph Muscat, Joseph Muscat will lose badly. The Labour Party has the biggest propaganda machine in the Islands, and it can produce, on a daily, and constant, repetitive basis, on various fronts, sources and platforms, propaganda that exalts the Party at his expense. Even Dom Mintoff himself, the founder of the Labour Party and the Saviour of Malta himself did not withstand the onslaught of the Party against him.

Joseph Muscat is in deep trouble if Supreme Leader makes the right decision.

Interesting times, indeed.


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