Why was Jomic Calleja Maatouk allowed to escape? His link to Luke Milton may serve as guidance

Jomic Calleja Maatouk

Jomic Calleja Maatouk was convicted for five years in prison for having imported dangerous explosives to Malta from the dark web. He appealed his case and took the libery to flee to Libya with his wife Marzia Calleja who was found dead very near where Jomic Maatouk was located. Marzia Calleja was found hanging with a rope around her neck, but the Libyan police are suspecting murder and foulplay.

There are many questions that one needs to raise about this gruesome story. Firstly, how and why a convicted and dangerous criminal could escape Malta with his wife on a boat? It’s strange to say the least that the police weren’t monitering a dangerous criminal who had just been convicted with a prison term.

In order to start getting answers, we have to start by checking history. A Very interesting fact that may provide some guidance is that Jomic Calleja Maatouk was a business partner of Luke John Milton. The police already had this suspicion, but I could confirm this from my criminal sources.

Luke Milton was a cocaine importer and business associate of Christian Borg. When Prime Minister Robert Abela still worked as a literal criminal lawyer, Robert Abela laundered money for Christian Borg. Today, Christian Borg is being covered up and defended by the Attorney-General and the Police Commissioner on the express wish of the Prime Minister himself. Deceased Prosecutor Karl Muscat had a case against Christian Borg but was not given the opportunity to push ahead with it. Other senior Police officers who want to arraign Christian Borg over money-laundering are facing stiff opposition from the Attorney-General.

Anyone who has further information on Jomic Maatouk’s relationship with Luke Milton can contact me on Signal on +35677007909. If you are a criminal who was involved with them, I will guarantee your anonimity. If anyone made bitcoin or cryptocurrency payments to Jomic Maatouk, I’d be able to audit their transactions if I am provided with the addresses. I appeal to you to come forward considering the gravity of the case and the news of Marzia Calleja’s death. Even criminals can have a conscience and you and your information are safe with me, as are all my other sources.



  1. Is the Magistrail investigation into no-deposit cars still ongoing Mark ?
    People who sell drugs and use business as an excuse should go to jail.

    Karl Muscat ?

    Despite everything, they are still conducting business and using Maltese banks , such as Bank of Valletta !

    If yes, this is going to be another vitals on a smaller scale , mark my words !!

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Jomic Calleja did porn and online sex shows with his wife while they were both on the run – Mark Camilleri
  2. Our working theory is that Jomic Calleja Maatouk attempted to import Polonium to kill Christian Borg, Luke Milton and three other associates – Mark Camilleri

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