Why not ask Grace Borg about Mario Galea?

Grace Borg

Grace Borg was the only businesswoman on the board of Malta Enterprise during the time when Malta Enterprise signed its MOU with the Vitals fraudsters. For those who don’t know her, Grace Borg was the owner of Malta’s Exotique retail shops, and was partly made rich by my generation who used to buy cassette tapes and music CDs from her outlets. She is a popular personality in Maltese culture and the business community.

She also had a dispute with the government over some land deal and had a tiff with Joseph Muscat for probably not giving her what she wanted. However, what was never reported is that Grace Borg actually opposed the MOU with the Vitals fraudsters. She literally screamed “murder” in the board-room after she was notified by other board members that the board had already agreed to approve the agreement. It was, of course, a political decision imposed from above, and the Malta Enterprise board never took an independent decision about it.

Grace Borg could surely testify to this.


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